
About the Author

Betsy spent years searching for answers to life’s perplexing questions. Although she was raised in a loving, church-attending Christian home, at the age of 13 things changed.  At this time the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War were raging, things that caused Betsy to wonder why a God of love would allow such sorrows and struggles.  Her parents and her church had no answers that satisfied her, so Betsy decided that God must not exist and she turned her back on Christianity.  During the next eight years, Betsy sought answers in a variety of avenues which initially seemed promising but ultimately led to disappointment and dead-ends.  By the age of 21, she had given up the search and decided to simply “eat, drink and be merry.”  It was then that she encountered some folks who were able to help her read the Bible with understanding.  The clouds of confusion began to clear as she learned of the reality of God, His plans and purposes and how His Son, Jesus, demonstrated that a human being can walk them out with authority and power.  Since then, her passion has been to equip other seekers with keys, as presented in this workbook, so they can grasp the truth revealed in Scripture.